About Us
We are BLR- Where our elders get to say እፎይ! (Sigh of relief).
Founded in 2008, BLR Eldercare is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving Ethiopia's Elderly. Through our Faith in God and our dedication to helping people, we thrive to build hope by being a catalyst of Love and Restoration of dignified living for our pride and joy, Ethiopia's elders. We can create hope and bring meaningful life back to the elderly.
At BLR, we believe in quality vs. numbers. Our service is a dream come true; a lifesaving must have for many seniors who are in a dire need. We have one goal: enriching the lives of our elders and caring for them with respect and dignity. We achieve this by maintaining their safety, well-being, and comfort as they live independently. Our care center allows for freedom and independence just like they would in their own homes. Our community-based services have proven impact in keeping our at-risk elders safe and protected.
Who We Serve
Our target population is the destitute homeless men and women of Ethiopia over the age of 65 and caring for grandchildren whose parents have died of HIV/AIDS. Many of them have health disabilities that render them incapable of maintaining a productive lifestyle. We provide both community support and housing to meet the essential needs of this group and allow them to live dignified and meaningful life.
Community Placement
Displacement is a source of concern for the elders and maintaining a lifelong connection within their communities is essential for them and vital to us. BLR serves at-risk elderly in their own makeshift homes as we recognize the value in familiarity and stability. This model includes linking at-risk elderly with community members who are able and willing to provide food, shelter, and medical care to an area elder. The majority of elderlies are often on the verge of becoming homeless because they do not have a stable source of income and depend mainly on their children to provide for them, who in most cases are not better off either. We link this elderly with families who can provide care and ensure their safety.
For only $1.00 a day and elderly person can be given food, shelter, and other necessities for an entire month. Donate Now!
BLR Senior centre
Better Care, Live well, Retire with dignity
At BLR, everyone is welcome! Our centers are known for quality services where care and respect can be expected and experienced. Our staff is trained and equipped to provide quality service in a comfortable and safe environment. We celebrate Ethiopia's major holidays, and our elders participate in healthy activities and coffee time.
BLR plans to build a contemporary senior care center for the elderly homeless in Ethiopia. We seek to provide a home-like place where our elders can receive nutritious food, medical care, and support that promotes dignified and meaningful living. Donate Now!
Our Mission
BLR is a nonprofit organization with a mission to deliver services that meet the dire needs of homeless elders, preserve historical, religious, and traditional values, legacy, and wisdom acquired through life experience and advocate for the dignity and respect of the vulnerable elders in Ethiopia.
Our Vision
Our Vision is to engage the local community, government entities, other grass-root organizations to enhance the living conditions of elders in Ethiopia by promoting safe, productive, and dignified living.
Our Core Values
BLR’s mission, vision and objectives are based on the following core values and beliefs:
- Love as the catalyst that ties the weak to the strong for humanity
- Sacrificial giving, and servanthood
- Transparency, integrity, respect, and commitment for better and greater outcome
- Maintenance of faith and cultural roots
Our Beliefs
We believe that pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world James 1:27.
We are always committed to remembering; as scripture says, "Only they would that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do." Galatians 2
We believe that all human beings are created equal in God's likeness. God's Love desires all to come to repentance and be reconciled rather than condemned.
We believe that salvation from all guilt and judgment of sin has been granted solely through the work of Jesus Christ.
In this mission, we all are called to exhibit God's loving character through compassionate care for those we serve in the quest for dignity, peace, and the care of God's creation.
Their challenges are our opportunities.
Our Founder
Mamay Worku has been working to better communities in the US and Ethiopia. She serves as a community leader and advocate, and she is a proponent of servant leadership. She has founded several organizations to support Ethiopian communities, including:
The Ethiopian Community Mutual Association (ECMA) 1993, Washington. ECMA is a fully functioning community center devoted to providing services to the Ethiopian population and the community at large. Many immigrants and refugee Ethiopians assisted through ECMA in housing, immigration services, medical assistance, and counseling services.
Bisrat Radio Program 2004 Denver, Colorado. The Bisrat Radio has served the Ethiopian community through teachings and other programs. The program has helped many immigrants feel a sense of belonging here in the US and feel more at home. Her listeners are grateful for renewed hope and have encouraged Mamay by their testimonies for new beginnings.
EEC Faith Works Employment and Training Program 2005 Denver, Colorado. Faith Works Employment and Training program was one of the first faith-based programs launched in the Ethiopian faith community. The Faith Works program has successfully addressed the critical needs of the community members in areas of advocacy, employment opportunities, counseling, and mentoring are some of the highlights of the holistic approach Mamay developed within the faith-based system.
In addition, Mamay also is a social worker with a degree from Western Washington University in Bellingham, Master of Public Administration and Candidate of Doctorate- Public Administration. She makes a living working for the City and County of Denver and has extensive experience in workforce development. Mamay's heart for servant leadership has led her to start BLR/WAAS
Our Board of Directors
Binyam Aynalem: Born and raised in Ethiopia, resides in Aurora Colorado. Serving as a board for five years. Entrepreneur for eight years.
Gelella Nebiyu: Student at Denver University majoring in Economics, International Studies, Art, and French and has traveled to S. Korea through a study abroad program through her college. Gelella is a scholastic art national silver recipient and a regional gold medalist. She is an excellent communicator and aspiring leader. She imparts her insight and outlook via art. She interned with City and County of Denver, Office of Economic Development – Workforce Services youth program.
Henok Lakew: IT professional at Software Corporation International, focuses on payment systems software. He loves helping people and serve the Lord while striving to know Him daily. He has two B.Sc. degrees in Engineering and Information Technology.
Kathy Ford: A Colorado native. She served 20 years in the US Air Force. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Univ of Colorado in Denver. She has been working for the Colorado Dept of Labor as a Veterans Employment Representative for 16 years. She was married for 44 years resulting in 3 daughters and 5 grandsons. She is most proud of being a servant of Jesus Christ for 50 years.
Kris Clark: Born and raised in Green Bay, Wisconsin Worked with seniors as program director for 33 years; retired Eleven years veteran of the BLR Board. Dedicated to the people BLR sustains
Married for 41 years
Six grandkids
She identifies herself as a Child of and follower of God.
Ola Kukoyi
Resides in Aurora, Colorado.
Public Health Professional,
She has MPH from the Colorado School of Public Health-University of Colorado with a concentration in Community and Behavioral Health.
Ola has a passion for health equity, women, and minority health and has more than a decade experience working both in the government and non-profit sectors.
She likes to volunteer within the community and is currently a member of various organizations such as the Colorado Black Health Collaborative (CBHC), BLR Elder Care and the National Council for Women Societies-USA branch. Ola is also a public speaker on “Racism and its impact on Behavioral Health”; COVID19 pandemic and its impact on the Immigrant population in the US in collaboration with the National Council of Women Societies (NCWS-USA)